
Hey guys!

Anyone wondering what JC stands for? If you're thinking what I'm thinking, you are correct. That's right! Jesus Christ. (Please, don't roll your eyes at me.) Yeah, I know what you're thinking: Oh, no! Not another Jesus FREAK! Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I am a believer, Christian, and even a Jesus FrEaK (If that's what you want to label me as, that's o.k. by me.) But the main reason why I've decided to start this blog, is not only to proclaim my love for Jesus, but to explain the many reasons behind my love for Him. I believe that by doing so, my audience, (you guys), may be more receptive to what I have to say about Him.

In addition to that, I would like to give you a little inside scoop on who He REALLY is. I am aware that He has been misrepresented by many. As a result, many misconceptions, preconceived notions, and stereotypical beliefs have been formed about Him. Many are skeptical. Others believe God is a superstition. And still others, believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is nothing more than a folkloric tale; told from generation to generation. But what if it's not? What if He's real and alive? Sitting at right hand of God, eager to be allowed into your heart? Eager to show you His love, compassion, mercy, and grace? Eager to bring you hope, salvation, and forgiveness? What if these are not just empty words, recited from generation to generation. What if these words are full of life-giving truth?

What then?

Think about it.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Call to Repentance

Some time ago, a friend of mine, forwarded me a video via e-mail. And I must say, its content was-and is- truly eye-opening to me! So much so, that I would like to share it with you today. So, I humbly encourage you to listen to it attentively, and meditate upon it. I personally benefited tremendously from its content. And I pray that you will too. May your ears be open to hear, your eyes be open to see, and your hearts be open to receive these words within. That is my prayer for each and everyone of us, as we strive to live our lives in Jesus Christ!

Video Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhX7m3rF20c

May we "count this world as lost to us." And resist the temptations that surround us everyday; may we guard our eyes and our ears against sin. May we guard the steps we take, and the choices we make. May we be ready for His return each and every day.

For we do not know when the Day will be, when the Lord will come for you and for me. May we not be caught asleep! (Hallelujah!) May we be alert and awake! And ready to face that glorious day! (Hallelujah!)

May the Lord have mercy upon us all. As we prepare to leave this world once and for all. Lord, let us not stumble and fall! 

(Let the Lord be praised! Let us bless His Holy Name! For His Everlasting mercy we shall see on that glorious day indeed! But we must seek His face, before our sins can be erased! We must truly repent and turn away from them (our sins)! And only then we shall see, His glorious face indeed! Then we'll become, with Him one! Oh, let the Lord be praised for His Everlasting grace! Amen! Hallelujah! Glory be to God Everlasting! Amen! & Amen!) 

May we strive to be holy as Jesus Christ is Holy. May we truly and honestly repent from the sins that we commit every day, and turn away from them. And may the Lord Himself-in His Everlasting Mercy and Grace-help us in doing so.

It is in the Holy and Precious name of Jesus that I pray,

Amen & Amen!

All glory, honor, and praise be to God!
Both now, and forever!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Grateful, Grateful, Grateful...Nothing But Eternally Grateful for the Gift of Salvation!

Pardon my randomness...but suddenly, I feel the need to verbalize just how grateful I am for all the wonderful things the Lord has done for me.

As humans in the flesh, we often tend to focus on the things that we think could use some improvement in our lives; in our circumstances. (I'm no different.) And often, by doing so, we forget to take note and be thankful for the many things that we do have. But here's the thing: We are so used to having them, that more often than not, we take them for granted. We don't fully give them the appreciation that they deserve. Take me for instance: 

I have two wonderful parents-who are not without faults-but have done their best to raise me and my younger sister. They have worked very hard to provide for us, to give us an education, and to prepare us for life in the real world; (granted there are some concepts and important life lessons, that only life itself can teach us.) They have also instilled in us a sense of responsibility, a work ethic, and a set of moral values and principles that can only lead to good things in the future; (that is, if we choose to continue following them.) They've introduced us to the world. They taught us to walk, to speak, to eat, to dress ourselves, and even to tie our shoes. But most importantly, they introduced us to the Christian faith. And yet, I don't always show or verbalize my appreciation from them; (that is, my parents, and their commitment to introducing me to, and guiding me in the Christian faith. So, consider this an attempt at redeeming myself. (Better late than never, right?)

That being said, in all honesty, I must confess: As a kid, I didn't think much of it. For me it was just about going to a building every Sunday, singing a few hymns, and making my parents happy. I even went through a period of skepticism and unbelief during my early teenage years. It took me a while to see the truth, believe it, receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and truly begin my journey as a genuinely committed Christian. I was saved by God's grace. Washed clean and purified by the blood of Jesus Christ. And I received it by faith. But I cannot neglect to mention the role of two lovingly concerned parents, who guided us in truth during our formative years. So, I give the Lord glory for them; for their lives. For guiding us in truth. And for building such a strong and solid foundation for the development of our individual lives.

That is not to say that we "inherited" salvation from our parents. The choice to receive the gift of salvation is an individual one. Each and everyone of us-as individuals-must make the choice of whether or not to receive it. It's not something that can be inherited. Receiving salvation is a personal and individual choice. And I thank the Lord God for giving me faith, and conviction of the truth, through  the power of His precious Holy Spirit. And I pray that you will too. For it's because of the hope, strength and salvation that I have in Jesus Christ, that I am alive today. I realize that may sound a little extreme. But if it weren't for God's grace, I don't know where I would be today. 
He literally revived my spirit and healed my soul. He renewed my strength, and gave me life anew. No one can give the reassurance and the security that I have in Jesus Christ. No amount of money can buy it. No one can love me with the strength, the depth, the height, and the width that He does! (Hallelujah!) Absolutely no one! And that same insurmountable love, is available to you as well! In fact, the main reason I have been writing these blog  posts, is because I want to share with you-the reader-the same hope, love, and strength that I've been given; by God's grace, and through Jesus Christ! 

Lastly-as I close by  thanking the Lord for all that He has done for, and through me-I would like to leave you with some food for thought in regards to Salvation, in the form of a poem. So, here it is: 

It's real. It's true!
And it's available to me, and to you.
Would you please receive these words of truth?

Only then will you find hope, strength, and life anew.
Remember: Jesus went to that wooden cross for you!
He loves you! He cares for You! He made you! He knows you!
And He wants to give you life anew!

Now, it is up to you.
Please receive Him;
Will you?

(P.S.: I'm also thankful for the opportunity to share such wonderful news with You! And it is my heartfelt prayer to the Father in Heaven, that you will receive it too!)

It is in Jesus' name that I pray,
Amen & Amen!

All glory, honor, and praise be to God!
Both now, and Forever!

Friday, March 26, 2010

An Offering of Praise: Learning to Obey!

I'm wrestling with my thoughts today;
Thinking: "Will I ever learn to obey?"

It's not something that I can do; (at least, not without You).

My heart wants to. But the flesh fights it the whole way through; I pray it will be subdued.

I stumble and I fall. "Will I ever learn at all?"
So here is the truth... (and while it may be cold and crude)...
I cannot do this, without You.

I've come to realize that I am my own demise.
I may try as I might, but I cannot hide the truth:

 You are the vine;
I must let go of my pride!

And I must learn to obey;
Without delay.
But what can I do?
I am nothing without you.

The harder I try to do what's right,
The deeper I fall into my demise.

Oh Lord! Everything comes from you;
So tell me, in wisdom and truth, what must I do...?
...Even if I knew, I wouldn't be able to do it without You.

I just want to give glory to You;
And serve You in spirit and in truth...

..I have to learn to obey. And that without delay;
But until that day, I must rely on Your grace.

So....as I pray to obey without delay,
Please wrap me around Your Everlasting Grace!

That which I cannot do, I lay before You.
Along with this restless heart of mine;
Hoping for peace to find.

 This much I know is true: 
Peace is nowhere to be found,
But I won't bother looking 'round.
For I know it can only be found, in You.

So let all glory, honor, and praise be to You.
I lay this poem before you. In spirit and in truth;
As an offering of praise from me to you.

Let your Holy name be glorified!
Let it be lifted up high!

It is in Jesus' name that I pray, 
And to Him I give all praise (Hallelujah!)
Both now, and Forever!

Amen & Amen!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Green with Envy

It's been a while since I've heard the expression "So and so is green with envy." While it may sound like an obsolete expression, the fact of the matter is, that many people still struggle with it today. And it must be noted that all of us-myself included-have dealt with envy at some point in our lives. Therefore, the purpose of this blog post is not to accuse anyone; but rather to discuss it openly and honestly, and ultimately conclude this discussion, by mentioning a healthy and effective way to deal with the the topic at hand. So please, bear with me.

First and foremost, let's talk about how envy affects our interactions and relationships with each other. In today's society-especially in the United States, China, Japan, and other culturally individualistic nations-competition is strongly encouraged. Everywhere we turn,  we find the trace of competition. We find it in schools, at work, at home, and even in church. Children, even at a young age, start to pick up on this implied "need" imposed by society itself, to compete against other classmates for the best grades, teacher approval, and recognition. At work, the same thing happens. Employees are always looking for ways to get ahead in the game. Ways to successfully climb the "corporate ladder"-so to speak. Now, please don't misinterpret what I'm trying to say. There's absolutely nothing wrong with earning a living with an honest day's work. As long as it's not done with the intention of taking someone else's job.
You see, competition doesn't always bring the best in us. As a matter of fact, more often than not, it leads to resentment, hostility, and even envy towards a given person. And if such feelings are not properly addressed, they could ultimately lead to catastrophic consequences. Allow me to give you a few examples:

Satan, once known as Lucifer-God's highest ranking angel-envied God's glory and majesty and coveted His position in Heaven. Envy took a hold of his heart with such strength, that  he invaded heaven, and tried to overthrow God's Kingdom, and take His place. Needless to say, satan was utterly unsuccessful. For no one is greater or more powerful than the Lord God.  Satan was then expelled from heaven; along with 1/3 of the  angels of heaven, known as fallen angels and/or demons, who joined him in such hopeless feat. Satan and his accomplices have been judged, and sentenced to utter defeat and destruction, to be carried out when the Lord returns. The Righteous Judge will then judge both His people, and the nations according to their deeds. 

(May the Lord have mercy upon us on that glorious day.)

Miriam and Aaron-Moses' wife and brother respectively-also allowed envy to enter their hearts, due to the position Moses held as leader of the people of Israel in their 40-year journey to the Promised Land. They envied Moses' ministry; and even his close friendship and fellowship with the Lord God Almighty. As a result, Miriam was struck with leprosy throughout her entire body, and consequently, had to stay outside the Israelite camp for seven days. Thus, remaing completely isolated from the others, until she was made clean again. This can be seen in the book of Numbers chapter 12, verses 2-15 (New Living Translation of the Bible):

"They said: Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Hasn't He spoken through us too?" "But the Lord heard them. (Now Moses was very humble-more humble than any other  person on earth.)
So immediately the Lord called to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam and said: "Go out to the Tabernacle, all three of you!" "So the three of them went to the Tabernacle.  Then the Lord descended in the pillar of cloud and stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle." "Aaron and Miriam!" "He called, and they stepped forward. And the Lord said to them: 'Now listen to what I say: 

"If there were prophets among you, I, the Lord, would reveal myself in visions. 
I would speak to them in dreams. But not with my servant Moses. Of all my house, he is the one I trust.
I speak to him face to face, clearly, and not in riddles! He sees the Lord as He is.
So why were you not afraid to criticize my servant Moses?"

"The Lord was very angry with them, and He departed. As the cloud moved from above the Tabernacle, there stood Miriam, her skin as white as snow from leprosy. When Aaron saw what had happened to her, he cried out to Moses, ' Oh, my master! Please don't punish us for this sin we have so foolishly committed. Don't let her be like a stillborn baby, already decayed at birth.' "So Moses cried out to the Lord, " O God, I beg you, please heal her!" "But the Lord said to Moses, "If her father had done no more than spit on her face, wouldn't she have been defiled for seven days? So keep her outside the camp for seven days, and after that she may be accepted back."
"So Miriam was kept outside the camp for seven days, and the people waited until she was brought back before they traveled again." (Numbers 12:2-15)

Moral of the story? Let us not be envious of one another. Let us not sin against the Lord-and each other-by allowing envy to pollute our hearts. Instead, let us be humble before the Lord; cooperating with one another,  always making ourselves available for service. Let us rejoice in serving each other. Let us rejoice in serving the Lord with purity of heart, and gladness of the spirit. Let us worship the Lord with our actions and deeds. Let us bring praise to His Name by placing the needs and interests of others ahead of our own. Let us rejoice in each other's victories. And let us be glad in spirit and in truth, in one anothers' growth and progress in our walk with Christ. Thus, acting like true sons and daughters of God, through Jesus Christ.

This is my sincere and heartfelt prayer for the church of Jesus Christ:

Oh Lord Jesus! 

Let us be one as You and the Father are one;
Let us love and serve one another in genuine truth. Thus, displaying our love and faithfulness towards you.
Let us work together with the sole purpose of letting Your Light shine through.
Let us seek your face with selfless faith. And let us be instruments of God's everlasting grace.
Let not our hearts be cold. But instead, let us be bold;
To fight the good combat, and emerge victorious and unified in Jesus Christ.
Let us proclaim that your Holy name saves, delivers, and heals.
Let us shout to the four corners of the earth, the Truth that we've been told. 
Let us shine the light that we hold for all the earth to see. The Light that gives us victory!
And let us claim the Truth that's been revealed;
That Jesus Christ heals!
He heals the brokenhearted, and attends to the lowly ones. 
He is always near those of a contrite heart,
and blesses the ones who are poor in spirit!

Oh Lord!

Let us turn back to you for good! In spirit and in truth!
Let your children come to you, in spirit and in truth!
Let us rejoice in your presence Lord!
Let us turn to you for help!
Let us turn to you for hope!
Let us truly believe in the Truth we've been told!
Let us act accordingly; always searching for hope in Thee.
Please cleanse of our mistakes.
For our sins have been erased! (Hallelujah!)

It is not for my own sake, but in Jesus' name that I pray,

All glory, honor, and praise be given to Jesus Christ!
The One and Only One worthy of it all!
From Everlasting to Everlasting!

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Words We Say...

My thoughts are scattered today; 
I cannot find a coherent phrase to say.
I'm vividly aware of what was done yesterday.

I've been to the cross on bended knee;
In search of hope and rest from Thee.

Forgiveness comes not far behind;
Rescuing me from my demise.

But nevertheless, I cannot find rest...

Rest from the echos of senseless words;
Rest from the overwhelming feeling of regret. This is something that I'll never forget.

But in the mist of it all, even when I fall, I find hope in Someone who can always stretch out His hand, and bring me back to my feet again.
Someone who can save me from myself; Someone who's always there to help.

Although I don't deserve it, I don't have to earn it;
The price has been paid;
My sins have been erased! (Hallelujah!)
But if it weren't for God's grace, I wouldn't have been saved!

Jesus took the fall, to be there when (you) and I call.
He did not hesitate. He was there to take the blame.
On that wooden cross, He redeemed all who were lost.

And this I have learned, from a senseless fall, that threatened to take all:

The words we say are not always wise-but if we repent, and turn to Him again-they will not lead to our demise!

The words we say, aren't always wise; but wisdom is found where silence abides!

Glory and Praise be Given to God! 
Who disciplines His children with a wooden rod!; (when necessary.)

To Him I give praise, for my sins have been erased! (Hallelujah!)

For even when I fall, He's there when I call.
Even when I stumble, He sets aside the rumble.
Even in my stubborn ways, He comes back to light the day.

This I know: 
Foolish and lacking are the words I say;
But at the end of the day, I find myself in the wholly embrace of God's Everlasting grace.

So, again I say: To Him be given all Glory, Honor, and Praise! 

Both Now, and Forever!
Amen & Amen!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

An Insightful Moment

Hey guys!

I just stopped by to leave you with some food for thought, in the form of an acronym. So, here it is:

Book [of]

Instructions [for a]


Life [here on]


*P.S.: Want to be blessed? Read only the best!

May the Lord bless you! 
Both now, and always!


May all glory, honor, and praise be given to God always!
Amen & Amen!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Only One Way to Heaven: Jesus!

Hello there,

I would love to try to come up with an elaborate, well-structured, and skillfully written introduction to this particular blog post. But the fact of the matter is, that the topic at hand, demands immediate clarification. So, without further ado, please allow me to jump right into it.

It has come to my attention, that some individuals have claimed and/or alluded to the fallacy, that there's more than one way to heaven; aside from Jesus. Needless to say, I'm absolutely appalled by such an enormous lie!

I repeat: Those who claim there's any other way to heaven aside from Jesus, are liars! Deceivers! Such a claim has ABSOLUTELY NO BIBLICAL SUPPORT! For the word of the Lord clearly states the following in John 14:6 (New Living Translation of the Bible):

"Jesus said to him: 'I'm the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)  

Please Remember: There's no atonement of sin, without the shedding of blood. And the One-and Only One-who EVER shed His blood for the atonement of our sins was JESUS CHRIST! He, and He alone had the authority to give His life in sacrifice on the cross, and reclaim it on the third day by the power of the Holy Spirit. For that was the will of God. THERE IS NO OTHER REDEEMER! THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO BE SAVED, APART FROM JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF! 


Dear friends, I cannot stress this enough. Please do not be fooled. Do not let yourselves be deceived by false teachings which understate, or even exclude the crucial role of JESUS CHRIST in God's redemptive plan for humanity. Once again, without the shedding of the blood of Jesus, there would be no hope for us. There would be no redemption. There would be no forgiveness of sin. For Jesus took upon Himself, the weight, the guilt, and the shame of sin, so that those who believe in their hearts, that Jesus is indeed the Son of God-who came to save the world from eternal condemnation, and provide them with eternal life-shall surely receive it and be saved. (Amen!)

What will you do....? 

Will you believe it and receive it, or will you reject the Truth?

May the Holy Spirit of God convict you of the Truth.

It is in Jesus' name that I pray,

Amen & Amen!

All glory, honor and praise be to God!
Both now, and Forever!
Amen & Amen!

An Empty Vessel

A few days ago, a random, yet intriguing thought crossed my mind; and I would like to share it with you today. So, here it goes...

It all began with a question: "How effective is a substance in its pure form, when it's poured into a jar that is already half-full with a different substance?" In other words, would the existing substance within the jar to begin with, hinder the effectiveness and/or concentration of the substance that was poured into it later? Well, I'm no chemist; but I'm pretty sure it would.

Here's another way to put it; (this time using different imagery):

Picture a jar clay, filled half-way with a yellow-colored liquid. Then, someone comes along, and decides to pour a white substance into the jar, in its purest, most  concentrated form. What would you say would happen to it? Let's see: It would inevitably get mixed in with the yellow-colored substance, and lose some of its concentration and effectiveness. Wouldn't you agree?

So, what must be done in order for the white substance to retain its initial properties, and conserve its full level of concentration and effectiveness?
"The solution?"-you ask. Well, it's simple really. Before the white substance can be poured into the jar, the yellow-colored liquid must be poured out. The jar must be emptied completely. And then, it must be rinsed thoroughly with water, to erase any trance of the yellow-colored liquid. Then-and only then-can the jar be filled with the white substance, without compromising its level of concentration and/or effectiveness.

That is all fine and dandy. "But what is your point?"-you may ask. Well, I thought it would be neat to use such imagery, and apply it to our lives, with respect to our willingness to make ourselves available to be used by God as vessels to bless others. Vessels to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Vessels to serve the Lord in His redemptive work. Vessels to love and serve one another. Vessels to minister healing to His people, and the message of salvation to the a lost and self-destructive world, and deliverance from the all-too familiar guilt of sin. Vessels of intercession for one another before the Lord as we step out into a world to which we no longer belong. A world that is full of rocks and stumbling blocks; but all of which can be set aside or overcome through Jesus Christ. For the Word of the Lord declares that we have victory in Jesus Christ. And we as His people must believe it, receive it, and truly take possession of the victory that belongs to us as God's redeemed people.

We must also be vessels of encouragement; strengthening each other in the faith, and lending a shoulder to the brokenhearted. Vessels of compassion and mercy towards others, and so on. But before we can do all that, we must daily empty ourselves of the "self" in each and everyone of us, (remember the yellow-colored liquid?), and allow God to pour into the anointing and the "substance" that we need to fulfill the plans and the purpose that He has for each and everyone of us. 

I realize that emptying ourselves of our "selves," and completely surrendering our lives to God, is not an easy task to accomplish. Surrendering our dreams, our aspirations, our future, and our plans into the hands of God, requires trust, faith, and selflessness. Serving Him in complete surrender is a daily feat, that can only be accomplished through, in, and with Christ. But it's not without its rewards. Those who endure until the end, bringing Jesus glory and serving Him faithfully, shall certainly receive the crown of victory, and have eternal life in Christ Jesus.

In closing, it is my most sincere and heartfelt prayer to the Lord our God, that we may  truly be empty vessels in His hands, to be used for the glory of His Holy Name!

It is in the precious name of Jesus that I pray,

Amen and Amen!

All glory, honor, and praise be to God!

From Everlasting to Everlasting!

Amen & Amen!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

Is anyone up for a little American History discussion today? I realize that is quite an unusual way to begin a blog post. But I invite you to join me in reflecting upon one of the most wonderful and yet puzzling aspects of the United States' Declaration of Independence; (drafted and mainly written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776). That is, our "inalienable rights"-rights which cannot be taken away-as an introduction to the topic of happiness, and/or its pursuit. (You may not see their connection now, but if you bear with me, you will soon find out how...) So let us begin:

 As one reads the United States Declaration of Independence, one might conclude that Jefferson had three main goals in mind when he was writing it. His first, and most obvious goal, was to write a legally-binding document that would clearly, eloquently, and permanently declare the United States' independence from Great Britain (a.k.a. England.) Secondly, Jefferson wanted to ensure equality among citizens of the United States. And thirdly, he made sure to specify three key rights which "have been bestowed upon us by God Himself," (excerpt from the Declaration of Independence), and therefore, cannot be taken away. Hence the term "inalienable rights."  These are: The right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  If you ask me, that sounds wonderful! But I've always been intrigued by these three little words in reference to happiness: "the pursuit of..." Notice that Jefferson does not guarantee us happiness. But we have the "inalienable right" to pursuit it.  And I believe it is save to say, that we all pursue it. Each and everyone of us searches for it. Why?  Because EVERYONE WANTS TO BE HAPPY!; it is a human necessity.

But sadly, not everyone truly finds it. Some have searched everywhere; and perhaps even found some temporary joy. Joy resulting from a professional accomplishment, a significant monetary acquisition, a budding relationship with a "special someone," or even a long-awaited marriage. But soon enough, if one does not find the TRUE SOURCE of happiness, what was once cause for joy, may just about lose it's "joyous factor"-so to speak. In other words, if we count solely on external circumstances to achieve happiness, sooner or later, we will come up short on happiness. Please, don't misunderstand me: There's nothing wrong with seeking professional success, doing well financially, dating, and getting married. I'm all for each and everyone of these things. They are all perfectly legitimate. But what I want you-the reader-to understand, is that external circumstances are subject to change. They fluctuate. They do not remain the same. And if the circumstances upon which we base our happiness change, so will our level of happiness; it is that simple, and yet that complex. "So, what is the solution?"-you may ask. "Where do I find a Solid Rock to stand upon in this ever-changing world?" "What or who is the True source of my happiness?" Well, it's funny you should ask. The answer lies in a 5-letter word (drum roll please...): JESUS!

Now, hold on. Don't go jumping into conclusions just yet. You may have heard this before, and you are not quite convinced. Perhaps it seems too easy...or too complicated. Maybe it sounds too good to be true; or it may even sound like a cliche. I can understand the rational behind such logic. I have been there. I was skeptical once. I used to be so worn out and frustrated; emotionally drained. So hopeless. I felt like I had tried everything. I had knocked on every door. But nothing seemed to work. Nothing seemed to fill the void I had inside in my desperate search for happiness.
I too used to believe that happiness would come only as a result of a change in an adverse circumstance. I figured if things were different, I would be happy. But that wasn't the case. I couldn't turn to family members for support. Because in my mind, they wouldn't understand. Even if they tried, they would never fully grasp the depth of my pain. I was blinded by pain and self-absorbed. I figured the only person who truly understood my pain was me. So, that is what I clung to. I engaged in self-pity, and built walls around myself. I felt alone. Alone in my circumstance. But even so, I tried to be strong. Only to find myself physically, mentally, and emotionally drained at the end of the day. My level of faith was below zero. Not only faith in God, but also faith in myself. Faith in my God-given ability to endure and overcome the many afflictions I had been facing for years on end. I was literally done. I was about to give up. (And I would have if it weren't for God's everlasting love, grace, and mercy upon my life.)

But God intervened. I came to find, to my shock and amazement, that I wasn't the only one who understood my pain. He did too! He knew everything! Every single detail. Every wound. He was familiar with the brokenness of my heart. He could relate to it. And He didn't blame for the way I tried (unsuccessfully) to deal with my pain. He didn't point the finger at me or criticize me for not handling it properly. Quite the contrary; He patiently and lovingly waited for me. He waited until I was ready to revisit those wounds, and allow Him to clean them out, one by one. Suddenly, I wasn't alone anymore. (In fact, I never had been. I just didn't realize it.) Someone understood me. Not just someone; The One. He showed me His tender love, mercy, and grace towards me. He picked me up from the ashes and brought me back to my feet again! That, dear my friend, is something I will never forget. As a matter of fact, that is essentially the reason why I have disclosed such personal information with you today; because I want you to know that there is hope. No matter how difficult your circumstance may be, there is hope. There is hope and happiness in Jesus Christ!

My circumstances haven't changed. I'm still faced with the same challenges every day. But I find hope in God's promises. I find strength in His fellowship. And I find happiness in serving Him, and blessing others for the glory of His Holy Name.
I encourage you from the bottom of my heart now, to take a leap of faith. To stop trying to handle adversity your way. Lay your burdens at His feet. Open your heart to Him. Let it all out. And rest assured that He loves you, He cares for you, and He understands you. All you have to do, is let Him in. Let Him into your heart. Let him into your life. Let Him into your circumstance. And be prepared never to be the same again!

If you would like to do so, say this prayer in your heart:

"Dear Jesus,

I'm tired of fighting these battles on my own.
I want you to take control. I give you my life. I lay it at your feet.
I want to find hope in you. I want to find the True Source of happiness in you.
Please come into my heart. I realize that I'm a sinner in need of a Redeemer. And I find that in You!
Please forgive my sins, and wash me clean! I repent from them with all my heart.
Please come and make me new! I receive the gift of salvation! I accept you as my Lord and Savior!
I give my life to you. 

It is in Jesus' name that I pray,


All glory, honor and praise be to God!
Both now, and forever!
Amen & Amen.