
Hey guys!

Anyone wondering what JC stands for? If you're thinking what I'm thinking, you are correct. That's right! Jesus Christ. (Please, don't roll your eyes at me.) Yeah, I know what you're thinking: Oh, no! Not another Jesus FREAK! Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I am a believer, Christian, and even a Jesus FrEaK (If that's what you want to label me as, that's o.k. by me.) But the main reason why I've decided to start this blog, is not only to proclaim my love for Jesus, but to explain the many reasons behind my love for Him. I believe that by doing so, my audience, (you guys), may be more receptive to what I have to say about Him.

In addition to that, I would like to give you a little inside scoop on who He REALLY is. I am aware that He has been misrepresented by many. As a result, many misconceptions, preconceived notions, and stereotypical beliefs have been formed about Him. Many are skeptical. Others believe God is a superstition. And still others, believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is nothing more than a folkloric tale; told from generation to generation. But what if it's not? What if He's real and alive? Sitting at right hand of God, eager to be allowed into your heart? Eager to show you His love, compassion, mercy, and grace? Eager to bring you hope, salvation, and forgiveness? What if these are not just empty words, recited from generation to generation. What if these words are full of life-giving truth?

What then?

Think about it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Father's Love Letter

If I could find the words to describe the content of the video you're about to see, I most certainly would. But as it happens, no man-made words can accurately describe the depth, the width, and the length of God's love for humanity. I could try as hard as I might; but the fullness of the love of God cannot be contained, restrained, or expressed with mere words. It stretches beyond everlasting; it is infinitely deeper than the deepest of seas; it is far greater than what our limited human minds can conceive.... In spite of such fact however, God has revealed the greatness of His love for mankind through His marvelous, and everlastingly graceful plan of redemption. In other words, the love of God for His creation is unmistakably revealed through the life, death, and resurrection of His only begotten Son: Jesus Christ. Such was and is the depth of God's love for us, and such was His desire to restore the relationship between The Creator (a.k.a. God Himself) and creation (a.k.a. mankind), that He gave His most precious possession, His One and Only Son in sacrifice to atone for the sins of mankind. Such amazing and glorious truth can be observed in the book of John, chapter 13, verses 16 and 17. It reads as follows:

"For God loved the world so much that He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him."  
(John 3:16-17; New Living Translation)  

You may be reading this blog post right now and think to yourself: "I am not a sinner! "What have I done?" "I am a fairly decent person; I help others. I give back to the community..." "I earn an honest living; I pay my taxes on time," and so on and so forth. Well, you see here's the thing: While all of that may be true, considering yourself a "good person" judging by your own personal standards, does not grant you a "ticket to heaven"-so to speak. For the Word of God says:

"For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard." 
(Romans 3:23; New Living Translation)

You may still be looking at that verse and saying: "What's that got to do with me?" "I haven't done anything." And you continue to reassure yourself, enlisting in your mind-yet again-the many reasons why you consider yourself to be a "good person." But you see, God is a holy God; too holy to behold sin. And when Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, (see Gen. 2:15-3 for further details), they allowed themselves to be tainted by sin; thus, becoming sinners. Consequently, mankind-as their offspring-also inherited such sinful nature. (Perhaps now, the Scriptural verse noted above might make a little more sense.)

But by the grace and love of God, that's not where this remarkable, and everlastingly TRUE story ends. If that were the case, mankind would be eternally doomed and separated from the presence and glory of God. In contrast, the Lord God chose to show us undeserving mercy and grace by devising a plan of redemption for mankind. Such plan involved the selfless sacrifice of His blameless Son Jesus Christ on a wooden cross, a little over 2,000 years ago. The Blameless Lamb became the perfect sacrifice for the atonement of the sins of mankind. And through His perfection, and the shedding of His precious blood, those who hear the Truth, believe it, and gladly and genuinely receive it within their hearts, shall have eternal life, and begin a life-long journey of transformation, wonder, joy, and amazing discoveries through, with, and in Jesus Christ. (Hallelujah! Amen!) For it is written:

"But now God has shown us a way to be made right with [H]im...We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are."  
(Romans 3:21a-22; New Living Translation)

Additionally, the Scriptures say: "Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through [M]e."  
(John 14:6; New Living Translation)
Now, if all that's been discussed thus far hasn't at least gotten your "wheels turning"-per se, perhaps the Father's love letter will. So, without further ado, I present the Father's love letter to you:

Video Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q5T9RYLiG4

Video Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npTQv5eWTsM&feature=related

May your eyes be open to see, your ears be open to hear, and your hearts be open to believe and receive the Truth; which rests upon the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ! (Hallelujah! Amen!)

That is my sincere and heartfelt prayer to the Father in Heaven.

In Christ's name I pray,

Amen & Amen! (Hallelujah!)

All glory, honor, and praise be to God Everlasting!
Amen & Amen! (Hallelujah!)

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