
Hey guys!

Anyone wondering what JC stands for? If you're thinking what I'm thinking, you are correct. That's right! Jesus Christ. (Please, don't roll your eyes at me.) Yeah, I know what you're thinking: Oh, no! Not another Jesus FREAK! Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I am a believer, Christian, and even a Jesus FrEaK (If that's what you want to label me as, that's o.k. by me.) But the main reason why I've decided to start this blog, is not only to proclaim my love for Jesus, but to explain the many reasons behind my love for Him. I believe that by doing so, my audience, (you guys), may be more receptive to what I have to say about Him.

In addition to that, I would like to give you a little inside scoop on who He REALLY is. I am aware that He has been misrepresented by many. As a result, many misconceptions, preconceived notions, and stereotypical beliefs have been formed about Him. Many are skeptical. Others believe God is a superstition. And still others, believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is nothing more than a folkloric tale; told from generation to generation. But what if it's not? What if He's real and alive? Sitting at right hand of God, eager to be allowed into your heart? Eager to show you His love, compassion, mercy, and grace? Eager to bring you hope, salvation, and forgiveness? What if these are not just empty words, recited from generation to generation. What if these words are full of life-giving truth?

What then?

Think about it.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

God's Grace

Today is another one of those days in which I feel completely and utterly unworthy, and unfit to face God. I feel completely inadequate to even talk to Him; let alone to serve Him. This feeling of inadequacy and the guilt that comes along as a resulting "perk" of my sinful nature, can be quite overwhelming, and even draining to my soul. Suddenly, this guilt, can be a considerable threat to my spiritual growth. That is the case, because guilt gradually destroys my confidence in God's promises for my life.

Additionally, I often tend to second-guess God's purpose and plan for my life. In other words, when I allow guilt to penetrate my heart, without dealing with it properly, before it takes root, I am also allowing the enemy to invade my mind, and feed me a whole bunch of lies in regards to my character, my motives, my love and commitment to God, and so on.

Now, don't get me wrong; guilt isn't always the "bad guy" in the story. In fact, it can be a warning sign. Letting me, (and you), know when something is wrong, and needs to be fixed. Like say, when I talk a little too much, without thought to the words that I use, and end up hurting people whom I care about. (Deja vu anyone?) But the trick to properly handling sin, and guilt for that matter, is not to deny it; but rather to admit it. Both to those involved in the matter, and to God. By doing so, we (you and me) humble ourselves before God-through prayer-and the individual related with the incident, through effective and time-sensitive communication. In plain English, wait until things cool down before you go talk to the people involved. And apologize when appropriate. Receiving forgiveness from the human party(ies) is not always a guarantee; but the good news is, once we admit before God that we have sinned-and genuinely repent from it-God shows us His mercy and grace. He forgives and restores us.

Remember: God comes near to those who seek Him wholeheartedly. He never turns a deaf ear to those who are willing to humble themselves before Him. He listens to them attentively, and is eager to show them His love, mercy, and grace.



Reassurance (of)

Affection (and)



All glory and honor to God forever & Ever!


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