
Hey guys!

Anyone wondering what JC stands for? If you're thinking what I'm thinking, you are correct. That's right! Jesus Christ. (Please, don't roll your eyes at me.) Yeah, I know what you're thinking: Oh, no! Not another Jesus FREAK! Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I am a believer, Christian, and even a Jesus FrEaK (If that's what you want to label me as, that's o.k. by me.) But the main reason why I've decided to start this blog, is not only to proclaim my love for Jesus, but to explain the many reasons behind my love for Him. I believe that by doing so, my audience, (you guys), may be more receptive to what I have to say about Him.

In addition to that, I would like to give you a little inside scoop on who He REALLY is. I am aware that He has been misrepresented by many. As a result, many misconceptions, preconceived notions, and stereotypical beliefs have been formed about Him. Many are skeptical. Others believe God is a superstition. And still others, believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is nothing more than a folkloric tale; told from generation to generation. But what if it's not? What if He's real and alive? Sitting at right hand of God, eager to be allowed into your heart? Eager to show you His love, compassion, mercy, and grace? Eager to bring you hope, salvation, and forgiveness? What if these are not just empty words, recited from generation to generation. What if these words are full of life-giving truth?

What then?

Think about it.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Success At Last!

"It is not your business to succeed, but to do right; when you have done so, the rest lies with God."-C.S. Lewis
In today's individualistic and highly competitive culture, we are strongly encouraged to depend upon ourselves- that is, upon our skills, talents, and abilities-as we embark on a seemingly never-ending quest for what the world in which we live, defines as 'success.' But we often neglect and/or forget the fact, that all of our individual skills, talents, and abilities come to us, directly from the Father, with the sole purpose of bringing glory to His Holy name! (Amen! Hallelujah! Glory be to God!) For the Word of the Lord says:

"For from [H]im and through [H]im and to [H]im are all things. To [H]im be the glory [F]orever! Amen."  
(Romans 11:36; NIV Study Bible)

The Word of God further declares the following:"Don't be deceived by dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights..."
(James 1:16-17a; NIV Study Bible) 
As we continue to discuss the topic of success, let us ponder for a moment on the dictionary's definition of success; just for the sake of argument. Shall we?

According to the Collins English Dictionary, success is "the favorable outcome of something attempted; the attainment of wealth, fame, etc." (Collins English Dictionary, 2009). That is the world's take on the definition of success. God however, has a very different perspective with regard to success. When we look at the concept of success based on what God reveals to us through His Holy Word, we soon see, that as far as God is concerned, success is not dependent upon one's financial and/or social status. It is NOT defined by one's monetary acquisition power-if I may call it so. One's level of success is NOT defined by property ownership-or the lack thereof-or the extent of his/her investment portfolio.

By contrast, from my humble and personal perspective, I have come to find, as I continue to ponder upon God's Word, that success in God's eyes, is defined as one's willingness to surrender completely to His will; thus allowing His Holy Spirit to guide us, to fill us, and to move freely within us, so that we may be co-laborers, partners, and ambassadors of Christ indeed in His redemptive work! (Amen! Hallelujah! Glory be to God forevermore!) 

Success to God, has nothing to do with money, or with anything that the world acquaints with the concept of success. But it has everything to do with, surrender, humility, transparency, and sincerity before the LORD our GOD! (Amen! Hallelujah! Glory be to God Forever!). For as we surrender, as we humble ourselves, and as we seek the LORD our God with the strength and sincerity of our hearts, we break the barrier of our selfishness and pride, and yield to the good and perfect will of God; thus, becoming completely dependent upon Christ Himself. And that, my dear friend, is the ultimate and everlasting key to true, and lasting success! (Amen! Hallelujah! Gory be to God Forevermore!)
Well, I must leave you now. But before I go, I would like to share with you a couple of additional Scriptural verses related to the content of this blog post. So, here I go:

"But seek first [H]is [K]ingdom and [H]is righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33; NIV Study Bible).

"I am the Vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in [M]e and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from [M]e you can do nothing."  
(John 15:5; NIV Study Bible)

May God bless you!
Both now, and always!
Amen! :)

All glory be to God!
Forever & Always!
Amen & Amen! (Glory! Hallelujah! Amen!)  

References: "Success." Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. 31 Aug. 2010. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Success>.

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