
Hey guys!

Anyone wondering what JC stands for? If you're thinking what I'm thinking, you are correct. That's right! Jesus Christ. (Please, don't roll your eyes at me.) Yeah, I know what you're thinking: Oh, no! Not another Jesus FREAK! Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I am a believer, Christian, and even a Jesus FrEaK (If that's what you want to label me as, that's o.k. by me.) But the main reason why I've decided to start this blog, is not only to proclaim my love for Jesus, but to explain the many reasons behind my love for Him. I believe that by doing so, my audience, (you guys), may be more receptive to what I have to say about Him.

In addition to that, I would like to give you a little inside scoop on who He REALLY is. I am aware that He has been misrepresented by many. As a result, many misconceptions, preconceived notions, and stereotypical beliefs have been formed about Him. Many are skeptical. Others believe God is a superstition. And still others, believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is nothing more than a folkloric tale; told from generation to generation. But what if it's not? What if He's real and alive? Sitting at right hand of God, eager to be allowed into your heart? Eager to show you His love, compassion, mercy, and grace? Eager to bring you hope, salvation, and forgiveness? What if these are not just empty words, recited from generation to generation. What if these words are full of life-giving truth?

What then?

Think about it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

This One Is For the Church Of Jesus Christ!

Jesus, let this become a reality in our lives, so that we-The Church of Jesus Christ-may go into all the earth, and preach the Gospel; share the Truth, light the way, and change the world through, with, and in You!

So that your Holy Name, may be glorified and lifted up high forevermore! (Hallelujah! Amen!)

It is in Your Holy Name that I pray,
Amen & Amen! (Hallelujah! Amen!)


Video Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KboW0TzKjgY

I thank You LORD, for everything that You are!
For everything that You have done, is doing, and will do in my life! (Hallelujah!)
I thank You for your everlasting mercy and grace.
Thank You for your woe embrace!

Lord, once again I thank You for who You are. 
For you do not deal with me according to my many sins; but rather, according to your everlasting mercy and grace! (Hallelujah! Amen!) 

O LORD! You delight in showing your faithful children mercy. You shower them with endless grace;
You provide for their every need. And you graciously grant them victory! (Amen! Hallelujah!)

You will not abandon, nor forsaken them! 
You will not turn a deaf ear to their pleas, or ignore their cries for help in times of distress. (Amen! Hallelujah!)

You shelter and care for your little children in times of trouble;
You will not hide your glorious presence, comfort, and love from those who seek you with all of their hearts!
Those who search for You night and day shall not be dismayed;
Those who put their trust in You shall not be afraid;
And those who wait patiently upon You shall have a great harvest to gain! (Amen! Hallelujah!)

O LORD! Please let my heart be faithful to You throughout all of my days!
Let me not be led astray! Please, lead and light the way!
Let me love mercy and compassion. And let me walk with You in humility through all of my days! (Amen! Hallelujah!) For that is Your will for all of those who love You.

Let your wisdom guard my heart, and the words that I say;
Let true and genuine humility keep me from the poison of pride; the beginning of the end!
Let your love-the love of Christ Jesus-be a jewel around my neck; 
Let it be a pleasant fragrance coming from Your Majestic, Righteous, Pure, and Noble heart, for this humble and unworthy servant to spread through.

O Jesus! Let your light shine through!
Let me always be true and genuine to you!
Let not the words that I say, or the choices that I make lead others astray!

O LORD! Please forgive me for the times I disobeyed.
And for the times my actions or words have led others astray!
You know I did not mean to hurt You or they...
But nonetheless, I have...

But now, all I have to count on is in the power of Your Holy Blood to purify me, and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. (Amen! Hallelujah!)
So, I call upon Your EVERLASTING Mercy and Grace again today;
For I trust in the comfort of your woe embrace! (Amen! Hallelujah!)

And it is because I freely receive from Your everlasting mercy and grace each day, that I must also freely show mercy and grace to others. 

I must forgive to be forgiven;
I must pray for those who persecute me;
And I must love those who hate me; because then, I will be conducting myself as a true child of God.
And therefore, God's Holy name will be forever glorified and lifted up high! (Amen! Hallelujah!)

I am dust. And to dust I shall return. But the Name of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY SHALL be known throughout the Earth.
His Power, Majesty, and Greatness are EVERLASTING!
NO one is greater than He;
NO is more powerful than He;
NO one can defeat Him!
For He is, was, and will forever be, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!
THE LORD of heaven's armies.
THE CREATOR of the universe;

So, let all glory be to GOD!
Forever & Always!

In Christ's name I pray,

Amen & Amen!       

Saturday, September 18, 2010

In Search Of Wisdom: A Psalm of Praise!

If I must speak, choose the words I say;
If I must listen, give me wisdom to understand;
And if in silence I must remain, teach me your ways.

Lord, You are the Rock of my Salvation;
You are the Author and Finisher of my faith;
You are the One in Whom I place my trust;
You are the Sole Source of my strength;
You are the One who gives me life; I can do nothing without You.
For every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord! (Hallelujah! Amen!)

You are the source of my EVERYTHING. And it would be utterly foolish of me, not to acknowledge Thee.
Without your Holy Spirit moving within me, I'm utterly empty and crude; any trace of goodness within me, would soon fade. For all that is good within me, comes solely from You.

It is only by your everlasting mercy and grace that I am able to stand up today! (Amen! Hallelujah!)

LORD, I depend upon You;
I surrender to You;
I give You all that I am, and all that I have; holding nothing back.
I give you my life, I give you my heart, I give you my soul.
I surrender my human instinct to take control.

O LORD GOD! Let your name be glorified!
Let it be lifted up high! (Hallelujah! Amen!)
Let the foundations of the Earth testify to the Greatness, Majesty, and Power of Your Holy Name! (Hallelujah! Amen!)
Let Creation testify of The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!
Oh, let His name be lifted up high everlastingly!
For He grants His FAITHFUL children VICTORY! (AMEN! HALLELUJAH!) 

So, let us not be dismayed!
For God will light the way! (Amen! Hallelujah!)
Let us take courage, and hold on to faith;
For God will SURELY light the way!

...And as we believe, so it shall be done onto us! (Amen! Hallelujah! Let the name of the LORD be praised everlastingly! Amen! Hallelujah!)

Let all glory, honor, and praise be given to God Everlastingly!
Amen & Amen!